
- 答:第一,要掌握基本的文体知识。自评常常问:“你最得意的是哪一点?”考生评价时要结合自己作文的体裁,从某一方面入手进行评价,如立意、选材、语言特点、结构安排、表现手法等。前提必须是了解各种文本的常识,才能结合作文内容从某一点出发来谈。比如议论文要了解自己作文中的论点、论据以及论证方法有哪些;记叙文要了解作文的六要素、选材、详略安排等,如果重在写人,还要了解作文中表现人物的手法有哪些;散文要了解作文的线索,了解对比、衬托、借景抒情、寓理于事、托物言志等表现手法。也可从语言特点入手,如生动活泼、平实朴素、幽默诙谐、富有哲理等。
- 答:尊重别人的文化的作文尊重文化多样性前几年,有一部名叫《刮痧》的电影引起了国际间的热议。电影讲述的是一对居住在美国的中国夫妇,因儿子不舒服给他刮痧,后来孩子背后的淤痕被人发现后,引起了轩然大波,美国人认为这对夫妇虐待孩子,并剥夺了他们的监护权,将孩子送到专门机构。而这对中国夫妇则认为这是中医中的一种治病方法,由此引发了一系列的事件。这部电影充分体现了中外文化间的差异,也呼吁人们用宽广的胸襟包容差异,尊重文化多样性。我们每个中国人都知道,中华文化博大精深,源远流长,但在这个拥有六十多亿人口的地球上,文化之间必会存在很大的差异,我们的文化在其他民族人的眼里,可能并非是最好的,相反,他们的文化才是最好的,这就要求我们在当今这个中外交流频繁,全球化趋势增强的社会中,学会包容与理解,尊重文化的多样性。周恩来曾在一次亚非国家会议上提出“求同存异”的方针,成为了处理国际关系,对待国与国之间差异的重要方法,伟人尚且如此,何况我们呢?随着中国的不断发展,许多外国人选择来中国留学,工作,他们中不乏一些黑种人,他们的行为习惯,言谈举止和我们存在很大的差异,于是一些中国学生经常嘲笑他们的外表,穿着甚至公然做出不尊重,歧视他们的行为来,而他们则可能因为语言不通不理解那些嘲笑,或者理解了,也宽容看待,一笑了之。这一切都彰显了我们民族胸怀的狭小。我们不妨换位思考,如果我们中国留学生在外国如此遭遇,心情会是怎样?因此,有一颗包容理解的心很重要。出现这种现象,究其原因有一下几方面:一方面,是中国传统文化的劣根性,中国古代,多称外国人为“蛮夷”等这类带有明显歧视意味的名称,另一方面则是现代教育的缺失,没有从小灌输孩子平等,尊重的思想。我们以一种包容的心态对待文化间的差异,尊重文化多样性,促进世界文明更加灿烂辉煌。
- 答:第一,要掌握基本的文体知识。自评常常问:“你最得意的是哪一点?”考生评价时要结合自己作文的体裁,从某一方面入手进行评价,如立意、选材、语言特点、结构安排、表现手法等。前提必须是了解各种文本的常识,才能结合作文内容从某一点出发来谈。比如议论文要了解自己作文中的论点、论据以及论证方法有哪些;记叙文要了解作文的六要素、选材、详略安排等,如果重在写人,还要了解作文中表现人物的手法有哪些;散文要了解作文的线索,了解对比、衬托、借景抒情、寓理于事、托物言志等表现手法。也可从语言特点入手,如生动活泼、平实朴素、幽默诙谐、富有哲理等。
- 答:With the development of society, communication is more and more convenient and quick diversification:
QQ is the most popular. Almost every senior high school students have their own QQ, can use QQ to chat with her friends, ask questions to the teacher, the exchange of ideas.
But some students spend too much time on the QQ, some QQ friends will have hundreds of, use QQ's helper, with bad grades, so QQ should pay attention to - 答:Looks over US's history, a wave another wave's immigrant influx constituted one of its most remarkable characteristics, it not only take this as the beginning, moreover still continued by this. Is following the wave which immigrates, numerous different races and nationality's culture and tradition gradually in this piece of length and breadth n ew continent rebirth. Which country in the world doesn't have to have the so multiple population structure, but is precisely this multiplicity has plished today's US, simultaneously has also plished its unique multicultural.
- 答:其最显著的特点之一,它不仅以此为开端,而且仍以此而延续。伴随着移民的潮涌,众多不同种族和民族的文化与传统逐渐在这片广袤的新大陆上重生。世界上没有哪个国家具有如此多样性的人口结构,而正是这种多样性造就了今天的美国,同时也造就了其独特的多元文化。
Looks over US's history, a wave another wave's immigrant influx constituted one of its most remarkable characteristics, it not only take this as the beginning, moreover still continued by this. Is following the wave which immigrates, numerous different races and nationality's culture and tradition gradually in this piece of length and breadth new continent rebirth. Which country in the world doesn't have to have the so multiple population structure, but is precisely this multiplicity has plished today's US, simultaneously has also plished its unique multicultural. - 答:It is really true that what is planted in the mind goes to the heart and will be shown through actions. Teachers is not a lone provider of knowledge, its partner is the textbook and since we are living in a pluralistic society authors must provide products of their mind that is worthy to be appreciated not just a mere mediocre of a piece!!!We are all equal regardless of all the exceptions. In addition to that, DepEd must also be an advocate of what they believe in order for them to achieve better and the best results
- 答:这个没有现成的东西,要花点时间整理的。我找了些资料给你可以自己编辑,如果你愿意的话,到处抄几句还是可以应付的:第一篇:什么是文化多样性? (从定义可以知道一些原因) 因有敏感词,所以不能贴上来: 第二篇: 太长了我就不贴上来了。另外,可以去WIKI上看看: